These 22kt gold plated hoop earrings are made with 5 healing gemstones to tap into your energetic centers called chakras. An eclectic pair you'll wear morniing, noon and night! The hoops can be as dressy or casual as you make them to be. Best worn with your hair tied.
Here are the 7 Chakra Balancing Gemstones:
Amethyst : For Crown Chakra. Lifts and Inspires you.
Lapis Lazuli: For Third Eye Chakra. For perception, awareness and spiritual communication.
Turquoise: For Throat Chakra. For better communication and clarity.
Rhodonite: For Heart Chakra. For Love, compassion and forgiveness.
Tiger Eye: For Solar Plexus Chakra. Confidence and Self Esteem
Moon Stone: For Sacral Chakra. For better relationships
Bloodstone: For Root Chakra. For security and stability.